Catalogues of Biennial of Enamel Art

Catalogue of X International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2024

“Started in 2005, the Biennial has transformed Vilnius into a vibrant center of enamel art, recognizable and well-known among the capitals of Eastern and Western Europe, enamel art professionals and fans. We are delighted that this year’s International Biennial of Enamel Art, now in its tenth year, is celebrating the name of Vilnius and the Vilnius City Goldsmiths’ Guild, founded 529 years ago,” said artist Marytė Dominaitė, founder of the Biennial and one of the Biennial’s curators.

The main theme of the anniversary Biennial of Enamel Art is Masterpiece. Professional enamel artists who have participated in previous Biennials and whose works have been nominated by international juries for prizes or commendations have been selected and invited to the Biennial. 38 artists from Japan, Estonia, Venezuela, France, Latvia, Israel, Lithuania, and Sakartvelo will participate in the exhibition, presenting more than 60 works in various enameling techniques.

You can find the list of winners and more information about the biennale here.

We would like to introduce you the catalogue of Enamel Biennial Vilnius 2020 that can be downloaded HERE.


Fragment of X International biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2024 catalogue. Vita Pukštaitė-Bružė (Lithuania)
We would like to say huge thanks to X International Biennial of Enamel Art ‘Vilnius 2024’ sponsors and partners:
Jewelry school/gallery „Vilnensis“
UAB „Svema“
UAB „Alpera“
Enamel art studio of „Auksakalių gildija“
UAB „Baltaxia Kaunas“
Baltic Jewellery NewsPanevėžys Civic Art Gallery
Siguldas Devons
Meistrite Hoovi

Gallery „Meno niša“ works by program of Vilnius fine crafts businesses and fairs.

Project is funded by Vilnius City Municipality

File:Logo of Vilnius.svg - Wikipedia



Catalogue of IX International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2022

The main theme of the 9th International Biennial of Enamel Arts is Impression. The enamel artists recall the strongest impression in their lives, return to the past, and translate their impressions into works of art. An impression is a work based on a feeling or a mood, says the biennial’s curator, jeweler Marytė Dominaitė. An impression is a very personal and hard-to-capture thing, a sensation or image that imprints itself on our memory. It can be an event that shocks the world, an intrusive thought that doesn’t leave us in peace, a leaf of a tree that flashes before our eyes, or the trunks of pine trees by the sea that merge into an ornament of vertical lines. And all of this can be conveyed through the technique of enamel.

This time, the biennial brings together 29 artists from 8 countries – Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sakartvelo, Ukraine, Germany, Israel, and Venezuela – presenting their impressions in as many as 74 works. The 9th International Biennial of Enamel Arts showcases a wide panorama of ways of using enamel: from delicate cloisonné enamel to the audacious industrial enamel, enamel applied in brushstrokes as if it were acrylic, or poured in thin layers like watercolor.

You can find the list of winners and more information about the biennale here.

We would like to introduce you the catalogue of Enamel Biennial Vilnius 2020 that can be downloaded HERE.



Fragment of IX International biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2022 catalogue. Neringa Poškutė-Jukumienė (Lithuania)

Gallery „Meno niša“ works by program of Vilnius fine crafts businesses and fairs.

We would like to say huge thanks to IX International Biennial of Enamel Art ‘Vilnius 2022’ sponsors and partners:
Project is funded by Vilnius City Municipality
Logo - Lietuvos kultūros tarybaFile:Logo of Vilnius.svg - Wikipedia
Jewelry school/gallery „Vilnensis“
UAB „Svema“
UAB „Alpera“
Enamel art studio of „Auksakalių gildija“
UAB „Baltaxia Kaunas“
Baltic Jewellery News


Catalogue of VIII International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2020


“Meno niša” gallery has been organizing the enamel biennale for fifteen years, during which Vilnius has become a bright center of enamel art, recognizable and known among the capitals of Eastern and Western Europe, enamel art professionals and fans. The International Enamel Biennale celebrates the city of Vilnius and the Goldsmiths’ Guild, which celebrates its 525th anniversary this year. founding anniversary.

The theme of the VIII International Biennale of Enamel Art – for the interpretation of the authors – “Beautiful. Interesting. Unrepeatable”. You can familiarize yourself with all the works of the participants of the biennale on the page of or on



More about the biennale and the best works selected by the commission can be found here.

We invite you to use the digital version of the catalog of works of the participants of the biennale, you can find it HERE.


Fragment of VIII International biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2020 catalogue. Eszter Kruppa (Germany)



Gallery „Meno niša“ works by program of Vilnius fine crafts businesses and fairs.
Project is funded by Lithuanian Council for Culture
Sponsor Vilnius City Municipality
Logo - Lietuvos kultūros tarybaFile:Logo of Vilnius.svg - Wikipedia


Catalogue of VII International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2017



‘Biennial “Vilnius 2017”, as always, has authors from all over the world: from far away exotic countries, like Venezuela, Japan and Canada, but also from the neighbouring countries, like Latvia. More than 50 pieces of art made by artists from 11 different countries present the colourful and memorable panorama of the enamel art.

The art works of Lithuanian and foreign artists exhibited in the 7th biennial also show the subtleness of this technique, as well as the connection to the authors. What is more, one can see the conceptuality of the technique – different works touch upon different topics.’ – says curator dr. Jurgita Ludavičienė.



More about VII International Biennial of Enamel Art can be found here.

We invite you to use the digital version of the catalog of works of the participants of the biennale, you can find it HERE.


Fragment of VII International biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2017 catalogue. Dalius Razauskas (Lithuania)



Gallery „Meno niša“ works by program of Vilnius fine crafts businesses and fairs.
Project is funded by Lithuanian Council for Culture
Sponsor Vilnius City Municipality
Logo - Lietuvos kultūros tarybaFile:Logo of Vilnius.svg - Wikipedia

Catalogue of VI International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2015


‘As usual, Vilnius’2015 biennial includes participants both from remote, exotic countries such as Venezuela, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, and from the neighbouring countries – Belarus and Latvia. More than 50 works of artists from 12 countries of the world open a broad panorama of enamel art. Artists unambiguously maintain the tradition which can be traced back to the first century before Christ and which has survived through the ages.

The art works presented at the sixth biennial obviously evidence the persistence and popularity of the technique which is capable of conveying a great variety of things: emotions and the mastery of the craft, ideas and moods.’ – dr. Jurgita Ludavičienė.


More about VI International Biennial of Enamel Art can be found here.

We invite you to use the digital version of the catalog of works of the participants of the biennale, you can find it HERE.

Fragment of VI International biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2015 catalogue. Ana Mercedes Carvallo (Venezuela)
Gallery „Meno niša“ works by program of Vilnius fine crafts businesses and fairs.
Project is funded by Lithuanian Council for Culture
Sponsor Vilnius City Municipality
Logo - Lietuvos kultūros tarybaFile:Logo of Vilnius.svg - Wikipedia




Catalogue of V International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2013


Transparent and poetic enamel may be confronted with ironic and mind-blowing one; a relationship between form and décor is also worth contemplation. Likewise, enamel approaches by authors from different countries may also be brought into comparison: this time we have authors from Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Canada, France, Spain, Russia, Japan, Sweden, Georgia, Belarus, an abundant group of artists from Taiwan, and Venezuela. Different authors, a great variety of sizes, nature and approaches of the artworks. – dr. Jurgita Ludavičienė


More about V International Biennial of Enamel Art can be found here.

We invite you to use the digital version of the catalog of works of the participants of the biennale, you can find it HERE.


Fragment of V International biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2013 catalogue. Kuo I-Hsuan (Taiwan)
Gallery „Meno niša“ works by program of Vilnius fine crafts businesses and fairs.

Project is funded by Cultural Funding Foundation of  Lithuanian  Republic  and Vilnius City Municipality


Catalogue of IV International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2011


The previous three biennials displayed a variety of enamel faces: subtle and sensitive, drastic and colourful, but always impressive and professional. The aristocratic, amboyant, attractive and mysterious material is once again unfolding its inexhaustible potential in the fourth biennial. Biennial “Vilnius 2011” hosts authors both from remote and exotic countries – Chile, Venezuela, Brasil, Japan – and the neighbouring countries, such as Russia, Belarus, and Latvia. More than hundred works of art created by artists from 17 countries unveil a wide panorama of enamel art.  – dr. Jurgita Ludavičienė

More about IV International Biennial of Enamel Art can be found here.

We invite you to use the digital version of the catalog of works of the participants of the biennale, you can find it HERE.


Fragment of IV International biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2011′ catalogue. Christophe Mirande (France)

Gallery „Meno niša“ works by program of Vilnius fine crafts businesses and fairs.

Project is funded by Cultural Funding Foundation of  Lithuanian  Republic  and Vilnius City Municipality




Catalogue of III International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2009


The Limits of Enamel Art Have Been Drawn in Vilnius: From St. Bruno‘s Blood to Lace and Paintings. Thus, it is worth noting at once that there is no place for non-professional accidents at the International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2009, which takes place already for the third time at the gallery of the Vilnius Goldsmiths Guild, Meno niša. Yet the freedom for fantasy is given a priori because this year’s motto of the biennial is enamel without limits. This is why spatial sculptural enamelled forms, miniature labyrinths that can be worn as bracelets, paintings, tiny disk-saws-suns dedicated to St. Bruno, vases, crosses and many other mysterious, poetic or drastic objects are exhibited next to works made by using the traditional cloisonné technique. – dr. Jurgita Ludavičienė


More about III International Biennial of Enamel Art can be found here.

We invite you to use the digital version of the catalog of works of the participants of the biennale, you can find it HERE.

Fragment of III International biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2009′ 1catalogue. Ugnė Blažytė (Lithuania)

Gallery „Meno niša“ works by program of Vilnius fine crafts businesses and fairs.

Project is funded by Cultural Funding Foundation of  Lithuanian  Republic  and Vilnius City Municipality



Catalogue of II International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2007


Obviously, enamel is the technique of vast possibilities. Able to adorn as well as to add colour to the spatial forms and planes and make them glint. From a brooch and a picture to… the bootee, ring or fan. However it obeys just the most patient and staunch. Sublime, whimsical and noble technique which, thanks to the efforts of the Gallery “Meno niša”, slowly but safely comes back to Vilnius. – dr. Jurgita Ludavičienė


More about II International Biennial of Enamel Art can be found here.

We invite you to use the digital version of the catalog of works of the participants of the biennale, you can find it HERE.

Fragment of II International biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2007′ 1catalogue. Vidas Babianskas (Lithuania)

Gallery „Meno niša“ works by program of Vilnius fine crafts businesses and fairs.

Project is funded by Cultural Funding Foundation of  Lithuanian  Republic  and Vilnius City Municipality