2nd BIENNALE OF ENAMEL ART “VILNIUS 2007“ | 2007 10 11 – 11 09


Gallery MENO NIŠA presents II International Biennial of Enamel Art “VILNIUS 2007”


Enamel is one of the oldest applied art techniques, used even in the 1st millennium before the new eras in Greece. Enamel is a branch of goldsmith with very old traditions in Lithuania coming out of the Middle Ages.

As far back as 1495, the Great Duke Alexander confirmed the statute of the Vilnius goldsmiths’ guild in his letter written in the manner of a Western European example. In 2007 artists will celebrate the 512 th anniversary of the guild activity that is particularly significant for the cultural and social life of Vilnius city. Gallery “Meno niša” seeks to continue Vilnius goldsmiths’ guild activity and presents visual and cherishes enamel art as well, organizes exhibitions of artists working in old and fussy enamel tradition.

Gallery “Meno niša” successfully develops in practice Vilnius Municipality educative scheme and every Tuesday invites Vilnius citizens to become acquainted with procedure of enamel creation and to make enamel artwork one selves. II International Biennial of Enamel Art “VILNIUS 2007” is dedicated to 512 th anniversary of the goldsmiths’ guild and 5th years anniversary of the Gallery “Meno niša”. Artists works from Latvia, Japan, USA, Denmark, Venezuela, Germany, Georgia, Lithuania, Spain and others countries created during the last five years are represented in this Biennial.

Lithuanian artists red a riddle of enamel secret and it was successfully represented in the Limoges international Biennials of Enamel in France and Coburg in Germany, exhibition in Spain.

Baltic enamel exhibitions and symposiums are organized only in Lithuania, so enamel biennial exhibition in the Gallery MENO NIŠA will give a rare opportunity to have a look at dominated enamel art tendencies, to draw a parallel between Lithuanian and exotic countries such as Japan, Venezuela and Georgia enamel works.

In the main picture –  artwork by Šarūnė Vaitkutė and Dainius Narkus (Lithuania), Continuations I, II, 2007


Jury of the II International Biennial of Enamel Art VILNIUS 2007

  • prof. Arvydas Šaltenis (Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, vicerector), Chairman of the jury
  • prof. dr. Aleksandra Aleksandravičiūtė, art historian (Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts)
  • Danutė Zovienė, art critic (director of the Artists Association Publishers “Artseria”)
  • Violeta Kolonaitienė (Vilnius Municipality, Department of Culture and Arts senior specialist)
  • Marytė Gurevičienė (gallery “Meno niša” curator)
  • Diana Stomienė (gallery “Meno niša” director)


Results of the judges voting:

1. Andreu Vilasis (Spain) was awarded the Grand Prix (1000 Euro) for the Guitar, 2007
2. Šarūnė Vaitkutė and Dainius Narkus (Lithuania) were awarded the Special Goldsmiths Guild Award – golden Angel MAGĖ with Diamonds for the Continuations I, II, 2007
3. Ka ori Juzu (Denmark) was awarded the Vilnius Municipality’s Silver Medal for the Interface Ring I, II, III, 2007
4. Zane Lavrinoviča (Latvia) was awarded the official letter of thanks of Vilnius’ Municipality
for the brooches from the series of Creatures, 2006
5. Isabelle Schwarzer (German) was awarded the official letter of thanks of Vilnius’ Municipality for the Back To The Roots As If To The Womb, 2007
6. Ioseb Zangaladze (Georgia) was awarded the official letter of thanks of Vilnius’ Municipality for the Christ Pantokrator, 2007 and Margarita and The Nightingale, 2007
7. Michail Tsalkalamanidze (Georgia) was awarded the official letter of thanks of Vilnius’ Municipality for the Palanga, 2007

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