The 9th International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2022 is open for applications


The 9th International Biennial of Enamel Art Vilnius 2022 is the only event dedicated to professional enamel art in Vilnius. Running since 2005, it has already established itself on the Lithuanian jewellery map. The biennial offers a great opportunity for spectators and jewellery professionals to see the works of renowned Lithuanian and foreign metal artists.

Over the whole period, the biennial has hosted hundreds of artists from all over the world – Latvia, Estonia, Spain, France, Italy, Japan, Venezuela, Great Britain, Germany, Sakartvelo and others. Šarūnė Vaitkutė, Vita Pukštaitė-Bružė, Marytė Dominaitė (Gurevičienė), Tadas Deksnys, Neringa Poškutė-Jukumienė, etc. are prominent Lithuanian metal artists participating in the biennial to represent Lithuanian enamel art and maintain its continuity.

The theme of the 9th Biennial of Enamel Art is impression. According to Marytė Dominaitė (Gurevičienė), the curator of the biennial, “Creating allows the artist to experience satisfaction of being able to bring ideas to life and hope to convey this feeling to the viewer through the colour or technical solution of the work. Impression – Impressio in Latin – is a work of art that conveys a personal impression or mood”.

We invite all enamel artists who have a deep tradition in this art to become part of the Biennial of Enamel Art and to offer their works in the following categories: traditional enamel techniques (cloisonné, etc.) and conceptual enamel (jewellery, objects, plaques, etc.).

The exhibition will not only be presented at the Meno Niša Gallery, but will also travel to the Panevėžys City Art Gallery in January 2023.

Applications (available here) and terms and conditions (available here), together with photographs of 1-3 works, are welcome until 3 August 2022 by email to

Participants selected for the 9th International Biennial of Enamel Art will be notified by 10 August.


Biennial’s organiser – VšĮ Auksakalių gildija
VšĮ Auksakalių gildija is working within the framework of the Vilnius Fine Crafts and Fairs Programme.

The biennial is funded by Vilnius City Municipality

Curators: Marytė Dominaitė and Dr. Jurgita Ludavičienė
Coordinator Gabija Tarabilda

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