Cloissone Enamel from Georgia | December 12-20, 2015

On December 12-20, 2015 For one week only, the Georgian enamel art exhibition “Cloissone enamel from Georgia” will be open in the “Meno niša” gallery. Official presentation and opening of the exhibition on Monday, December 14 at 5 p.m. 

The specialized enamel art gallery “Ornament” located in Tbilisi has been cooperating with the Vilnius gallery “Meno niša” for more than a decade and this year will again invite you to admire special enamel art works: jewelry, paintings, icons made with the cloissone technique.

The masters of Georgian enamel art are significant and the most meticulous enamel techniques – the leaders of partition enamel, whose work is characterized by impeccable quality and abundance of ideas. Enamel art began to develop in the 8th century, reached its peak of prosperity in the 11th-12th centuries, and now in the 15th century. the development of the enamel technique came to an unexpected end and even, as it was believed, disappeared. However, Georgian enamel art is an excellent example of preservation of traditions and improvement of technique, as the collection of old partition enamel art currently stored in the Georgian State Art Museum in Tbilisi is considered one of the most valuable in the world. Enamel returned only in the second half of the 20th century, so now the aim of the Gallery “Ornament” is to restore and spread the traditions of Georgian enamel art all over the world.

“Ornament” is probably the only such specialized gallery of enamel art in Georgia, which aims not only to provide knowledge about the old subtleties of this technique, but also to present original innovations, interest in interpretations of old works and resurrect them in innovative, modern forms. Enamel art can be safely considered an integral part of contemporary Georgian art.

Gallery “Meno Niša” is also the only place in Lithuania that works professionally with the dissemination and education of enamel art. The gallery recently hosted the biennale of enamel art, which this year attracted a record number of visitors interested in the innovations of enamel art. The Georgian exhibition is another opportunity to meet this royal technique in the Meno niša gallery. Georgian enamel, refined and ornate, unfolds before the eyes in all the variety of colors and shapes, bringing warmth and brilliance to the wet and dark Lithuanian December.

The Georgian enamel exhibition in the Meno niša gallery will be open for one week only. We invite you not to miss the opportunity to see and purchase world-renowned Georgian enamel works of art from December 12 to 20.



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