Solveiga & Alfredas Krivičiai MULTIMEDIA JEWELRY | January 7-15, 2016


Thursday, January 7, 6 p.m. in the gallery Meno niša we will present the latest project of Solveiga and Alfredas Krivičiai – interactive multimedia jewelry.

The pair of artists are supporters of conceptual jewelry. Famous artists always surprise with their conceptual solutions at the “Art niches” exhibitions and are recognized by their works in which they use objects, ready-made: brooches for the faces of Barbie dolls, rings with razor blades, an engagement ring with ashes, or 28 kg loaves of bread at the “One gram of gold” exhibition “, etc.

The latest exhibition will present “depopulated” jewelry and focus on visuals. With the help of video, text and sound, computer graphics and even animation, brooches or other jewelry will become an interactive means of communication, and jewelry will be presented as a multimedia field. “Great, conceptual, interdisciplinary works of art have been created in Lithuania in the field of applied arts (especially textiles). Unfortunately, jewelry is still viewed as a specific field, the artistic value of which is determined mostly by aspects of the craft, without paying attention to the prevailing trends in contemporary art One of the goals of the project is to present a different understanding of jewelry and its way of existence, especially since modern technologies provide an opportunity to raise jewelry to a completely new, interactive level.

Nowadays, most of our information about jewelry (and art in general) comes in the form of images. Fewer and fewer people actually see works of art, but their images are seen by millions. Objects of artistic jewelry exist as a unique work, and only thanks to information technology and media can it reach people and influence culture. Paradoxically, however, the images spread around the world do not diminish its uniqueness. Images, not things, increasingly shape reality. This project tries to expand the boundaries of the perception of jewelry as one of the social media and its use, so that jewelry becomes not only jewelry, but also an interactive means of communication.” – the artists present the exhibition.



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