EXHIBITION NO BAN FOR NICE LIVING | 2012 12 10 – 2013 01 04


NO BAN FOR NICE LIVING – the last exhibition of the year to be opened at MENO NIŠA Gallery
10 December 2012 – 4 January 2013


The Goldsmiths’ Guild Gallery Meno Niša is continuing the cycle of exhibitions dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Gallery.

On Monday, 10 December 2012, 6 p.m., the Gallery opens the last exhibition of this year – NO BAN FOR NICE LIVING. This phrase has long been a business card of the Gallery and now it developed into the name of the exhibition. The international jewellery and metal art contest exhibition NO BAN FOR NICE LIVING presents the works of 35 Lithuanian and foreign authors that can be grouped under three headings: The Magic Stone, One Gram of Gold and Unisex.

In the ten years’ period, these three topics were presented by Meno Niša as individual exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad; now they come back as one entirety. Since 2004, the Gallery has been implementing the jewellery on move project “Out of suitcase”. The project acquired a new content in 2010 and since then is called “Contemporary Art in a Suitcase”. This project represents a mobile transformable exhibition displaying a contemporary collection of conceptual jewellery through the most mature works of Lithuanian jewellery artists, photography, graphics, video art as well as other audio and video media. The last exhibition of the year – NO BAN FOR NICE LIVING – exhibits the latest works of the project authors created under the mentioned three topics.

35 artists from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ireland are presenting more than 100 works, revealing the three topics – The Magic Stone, One Gram of Gold and Unisex – through various associative, conceptual and resourceful techniques.

Among participants of the exhibition there are the most prominent Lithuanian jewellery artists, such as the Krivičiai, Solveiga and Alfredas, Vita Pukštaitė, Marytė Dominaitė Gurevičienė, Saulius Vaitiekūnas, Indrė Diržienė, Šarūnė Vaitkutė and Dainius Narkus, Vaida Druskytė, Algirdas Mikutis, Eglė Čejauskaitė – Gintalė, Ugnė Blažytė and Danas Tamašauskas, as well as young authors Eglė Vengalytė, Kotryna Vaitekūnaitė, Aistė Navasaitienė. These three topics also appeared to be attractive for foreign artists, such as Patricia Gurgel Sergrillo (Ireland), Adolfas Šaulys (Estonia), Ginta Zabarauska (Latvia).

 The best works of the artists will be awarded during the exhibition opening ceremony. The works will be evaluated by the jury consisting of Dr. Jurgita Ludavičienė, art critic, Dr. Pillė Veljetaga, art critic, Sonata Baliuckaitė, art critic, Sigitas Virpilaitis, jewellery artist, Diana Stomienė, gallerist.

NO BAN FOR NICE LIVING – a competition, revealing the panorama of jewellery and metal art, presenting new works by recognised artists and providing the opportunity to get familiar with new names. The exhibition is open by 4 January.


List of award-winners

Grand Prix – solo exhibition at MENO NIŠA Gallery
Winner – Adolfas Šaulys, for professionalism, conceptuality and artistic quality

To Eglė Čėjauskaitė Gintalė
Diploma for a delicate and adequate fulfilment of One Gram of Gold

To Aistė Navasaitienė
Diploma for a brave interpretation of Unisex

To Kotryna Vaitekūnaitė
Diploma for suggestiveness and impressionability

To Ditė Dilginienė
Diploma for a successful debut

To Vita Pukštaitė Bružė
Diploma for a delicate feeling of creative art

To Vidas Babianskas
Diploma for a luxurious and solemn interpretation of the topics

To Kęstutis Stanapėdis
Diploma for intensive search for a creative style


Adolfas Šaulys (Estonia)
Aistė Navasaitienė
Aurelija Šimkutė
Algirdas Mikutis
Arvydas Markevičius
ASOL ( S. ir A. Krivičiai) ir Marius Krivičius
Dalius Razauskas
Ditė Dilginienė
Eglė Čėjauskaitė-Gintalė
Eglė Vengalytė
Elzė Sakalinskaitė
Eva Tomaš
Giedrė Gedaminskienė
Ginta Zabarauska (Latvia)
Indrė Diržienė
Irena Žukauskytė
Kęstutis Stanapėdis
Kotryna Vaitekūnaitė
Marytė Dominaitė – Gurevičienė
Nauris Našlėnas
Patricia Gurgel Segrillo (Ireland – Brazil)
Rūta Jurkūnaitė Bruožienė
Sandra Malaškevičiūtė
Saulius Vaitiekūnas
Sigitas Rekašius
Stasas Chailovas
Šarūnė Vaitkutė ir Dainius Narkus
Ugnė Blažytė ir Danas Tamašauskas
Vaida Druskytė
Vidas Babianskas
Vidas Bizauskas
Vijoleta Domarkienė
Vita Pukštaitė

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